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All CSS tricks, 7.0, 7.1, 7.1 CE, Cool look, Borders and shadows Beatriz Caraballo All CSS tricks, 7.0, 7.1, 7.1 CE, Cool look, Borders and shadows Beatriz Caraballo

Long border illusion (7.0 & 7.1 CE) - Image Block Stack

Add a sleek look to your Stack Image Blocks in Squarespace with this copy/paste code snippet. It’ll create a lovely minimal border design, wrapping your content and underlapping the image, and give you full control over its styles in terms of color, thickness, and “narrowness”!

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All CSS tricks, 7.1, Fonts, Title/Caption Beatriz Caraballo All CSS tricks, 7.1, Fonts, Title/Caption Beatriz Caraballo

Related videos heading styles - Video page (7.1)

Fully customize that “You might also like” title on top of your related videos area – AND the individual video titles – in your 7.1 site with this short snippet. You’ll be able to change up the font family and overall styles of all these titles with one quick copy/paste action and some small tweaks to the corresponding property values.

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Add custom bullet points to text blocks and image blocks in Squarespace (7.0, 7.1 CE & 7.1 FE)

Want to create branded bullet points for your client’s site? Then take a look at this tutorial to learn how you can make that happen, only with CSS, for both text blocks and image blocks!

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