How to create a hover mode for anything in Squarespace (7.0 & 7.1)

This week, we’ll be looking at the nitty-gritty of hover modes.

Through 3 different examples using the Auto List section in Squarespace 7.1, I’ll be showing you the logic required to build one, so you can head off and animate everything on your client’s site!

Just kidding… well, kinda.

I always get questions about this kind of customization and, personally, it’s my favorite way to add some dynamic elements to a website so, I just had to make a video on them.

So, if you want to learn how they work and how to set them up, jump right into the video!




Overview & timestamps

  1. 00:00 - Intro

  2. 00:45 - Editor settings for the example Auto List section
    First up, I’ll share with you the settings I’m using for the Auto List section, in case you want to replicate one of the examples or just follow along with the video!

  3. 01:47 - Basic parts of a hover mode
    Next, we’ll talk about the two main parts that are required to create a hover mode and the role that each of them plays in the effect.

  4. 02:20 - First example, changing the shape of the images on hover
    For the first example, we’ll be looking at how we can change the shape of the Auto List layout images when we hover over the whole item.

  5. 03:59 - Quick tip about modifying images with CSS
    But before we jump into picking the first part of the hover mode, I’ll share with you a quick little tip regarding working with image elements with CSS, especially when what you’re trying to do is modify things on the “edges” of the image.

  6. 05:13 - Picking the target container
    Alright, with that out of the way it’s time to pick the container that’s going to change shape on hover.

  7. 06:29 - Testing the result we're looking for
    Then, we’ll be testing out the properties we want to use to make sure we get the final result we’re after before looking for the other part of the hover mode.

  8. 07:57 - Finding the trigger for the hover mode
    Now that everyhting’s looking good, it’s time to look for that trigger container.

  9. 11:45 - Creating the hover mode
    And finally, we can create our hover mode for the images!

  10. 12:38 - Adding a smoother transition
    Last but not least here, we’ll see what we can do to create a smoother transition for the shapeshifting image.

  11. 14:14 - Tackling the delay issue
    And of course, we’ll run into an unexpected issue. But, I’ll show you why it’s happening and what we can do to get rid of it if necessary.

  12. 16:50 - Second example, making the list items slide-up
    Up next, we’ll make the whole Auto List items levitate!

  13. 17:12 - Picking the target container
    First, we need to look for that target container for the hover mode, depending on which part of the section we want to alter.

  14. 17:54 - Testing the result we're looking for
    Then, it’ll be time to test the final result we’re going for, to make sure our code works right off the bat.

  15. 18:42 - Looking for the trigger of the hover mode
    Knowing that everything should work correctly, we’ll move on to selecting the trigger container for the hover mode. But, we’ll run into a tricky situation…

  16. 18:50 - Quick tip on additional trigger options
    To tackle these scenarios, I’ll give you a quick tip on what else you can use as your trigger if you can’t really count on the “main” choices.

  17. 19:50 - Creating the hover mode
    With our trigger in place, we can go ahead and create our hover mode for the items!

  18. 20:17 - Adding a smoother transition
    And here too, we’ll add a smooth transition to avoid the harshness of the movement.

  19. 21:34 - Third example, stretching and recoloring the button
    Alrighty, two down, one to go! For this third example, we’ll be focusing our attention on the buttons of the Auto List items. We’ll be making them stretch out and change color, just because.

  20. 21:57 - Picking the target container
    As for the target container, we’ll need to base our decision not only on the location/size of the element but also on where the original values were applied, to avoid some serious headaches.

  21. 23:11 - Testing the result we're looking for
    Next up, we’ll test out things again to make sure everything looks like it should.

  22. 25:20 - Looking for the trigger of the hover mode
    For the trigger here, we’ll go with a familiar container once more, to make sure the button changes regardless of which area of the item gets the cursor on.

  23. 25:53 - Creating the hover mode
    With that out of the way, we can create and test out our hover mode!

  24. 26:24 - Adding a smoother transition
    But here too, a transition will be required to make things a lot softer.

  25. 26:48 - Addressing the transition issue
    To add the transition, we’ll have to address an issue with the color that’ll pop up thanks to the difference in code being used.

  26. 27:54 - Addressing the button's stretching issue
    And then, specifically for the stretching transition, I’ll walk you through how the problem that arises can be fixed and what you need to keep in mind when you’re trying to animate different properties.

  27. 30:37 - Making the button stretch out from the middle
    Last but not least, I’ll give you a quick tip on what we can change in the editor to make the button expand from the middle of the screen.

I know that was a lot but I hope you found it helpful for your next project!
Until next time,


Full code

//Example #1 - List images change shape
.list-item-media-inner {
  transition: all .5s;
  transition-delay: 0s !important;
.list-item:hover .list-item-media-inner {
  border-bottom-left-radius: 50%;
  border-top-right-radius: 50%;

//Example #2 - List items move upwards and have a shadow
.list-item {
  transition: all .5s;
.list-item:hover {
  box-shadow: 8px 8px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
  transform: translateY(-50px);

//Example #3 - List item buttons stretch out and change color
.list-item-content__button {
  text-align: center;
  transition: all 1s !important;
  width: 150px;
.list-item:hover .list-item-content__button {
  background-color: blue !important;
  width: 100%;
Beatriz Caraballo

Hey! I’m B.

I’m a self-proclaimed Squarespace Customization Geek dedicated to helping fellow designers speed up their workflow, grow their coding skills and enjoy the heck out of coding.

Stacking the shop categories, on mobile, in Squarespace 7.1


Add custom bullet points to text blocks and image blocks in Squarespace (7.0 & 7.1)