How to create responsive text, WITHOUT media queries, in Squarespace (7.0 & 7.1)

So, tell me something…

Have you ever wanted to make the font size on your client projects shrink down or size up based on the screen size?

Have you ever tried to do that by using units like vw and ended up with a headache or having to create tons of media queries to fix certain screen sizes?

Well, guess what?

As per the title of this post, in today's video we'll be looking at how we can handle this problem and create responsive text in Squarespace with ONE line of code and NO media queries.

Yeah, you heard me.


Now, you may or may not have heard of this CSS trick before but, if you haven't, I promise you'll find it extremely helpful!

Curious? Then hop right into the vid!




Overview & timestamps

  1. 00:00 - Intro

  2. 00:45 - Introducing your new text-resizing weapon
    So, it’s time to reveal one of my favorite CSS tricks when it comes to text stuff, the clamp() function!

  3. 00:56 - The problem with using font sizes that grow and shrink with the screen
    Now, before we take a look at how to use it, let’s first make sure we’re both on the same page about why this is necessary for certain situations, and why simply using vw values won’t cut always cut it.

  4. 03:10 - How clamp( ) works
    Once the main issue of vw values on their own has been brought to light, we’ll see how clamp() can help us fix that!

  5. 03:31 - How to use clamp( ) to create responsive text in Squarespace
    Using a Squarespace heading as an example, we’ll break down the steps we need to take to figure out the different parameters required in our function to make sure the text looks good on all devices.

  6. 05:50 - Applying clamp( ) to the font size of a heading
    And of course, last but not least, we’ll apply our new function to make that bold heading responsive in one single line of code and without breaking a sweat!

So, how about that?

Now you know how to make your Squarespace headings (or any other text on the site) super responsive with veeeery little CSS, and without the hassle of setting up different breakpoints.

Hope you found it helpful!

Until next time,


Full code

h1 {
  font-size: clamp(70px, 15vw, 260px);
Beatriz Caraballo

Hey! I’m B.

I’m a self-proclaimed Squarespace Customization Geek dedicated to helping fellow designers speed up their workflow, grow their coding skills and enjoy the heck out of coding.

Bringing back the quote block line in Squarespace (7.0 & 7.1)


How to create custom shapes for images in Squarespace (7.0 & 7.1)