Skill boosting Course

Squarespace Coding Essentials

5 coding pillars simplified in 5 no-fluff Masterclasses, aimed to help you have an unstoppable stream of “aha” moments for roughly the time it takes to watch Interstellar.

Note: I cannot promise you’ll be as awed with this course as watching what’s on the other side of the event horizon but, I think it’s safe to say you’ll get preeetty close

(Video format: 2.5h | eBook format: 69 pages)

Masterclass #1

Breaking down the HTML structure, to make sense of CSS

To avoid banging your head against your desk when writing/modifying code for a client site, it can be incredibly useful to understand the information you see inside the Inspector tool.

And not just what’s on the CSS side but, perhaps more importantly, what we see on the HTML side as well.

So, in this first lesson, you will learn how to “see The Matrix”.

You know… that one scene where Neo finally “sees” it?

Well. That’s what I’m going to show you… just inside the Chrome Inspector.

(Video format: 25 min | eBook format: 12 pages)

Masterclass #2

The quick and dirty guide to CSS selectors

You already know what classes and IDs are, and it’s likely that you have a pretty good idea of what attribute selectors are too, and how :hover pseudo-classes work.

And yet… when it comes to modifying selectors, combining them, grouping them, and making sure that the browser is happy with the way you’re writing them, you feel your back starting to tense up because right now it’s a coin toss: sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

To save you the guesswork, in this class I’ll be teaching you aaaaall the sneaky rules the browser wants you to stick to when writing CSS, without saying so.

(Video format: 27 min | eBook format: 19 pages)

Masterclass #3

Target anything in squarespace, in 5 mins

If you’re looking for the “omg-this-is-genius” part of this course, this is it.

In this class, I’ll be walking you through the logic and step-by-step I personally use for every. single. customization I apply to any Squarespace site.

The information in here is my own personal approach and categorization system for containers in Squarespace, so I promise you’ll be mind-blown with the breakdown and diagrams provided here.

Yes, there are diagrams too. And you’re gonna want to frame the s#$% out of them not for their design appeal (they actually suck) but for their juicy no-brainer help they’ll provide on all your current and future projects.

(Video format: 40 min | eBook format: 12 pages)

Masterclass #4

Breaking down the complex world of CSS specificity

Have you ever wondered why sometimes when you’re trying to change the color, size, font, whatever of an element in Squarespace – AND you’re targeting the exact same thing that carries the original value – your browser is simply like “nope!” and carries on doing what it was doing before?

Have you ever wondered why that continues to happen even when you add MORE stuff to your selector?

Well, in this class I’ll show you how you can figure out wtf is going on and how to address it, so you can leave seething and grinding your teeth for another project or another day.

(Video format: 26 min | eBook format: 12 pages)

Masterclass #5

How to fix stubborn code in Squarespace

Yup. Troubleshooting is also included here.

You know why? Because even when we’re being our absolute thorough best when writing code, there’s a 50/50 chance there’s something we didn’t catch before that will hit us in the face shortly after saving the changes.

So, in this class, I’ll give you a comprehensive breakdown of aaaaaall the reasons why code may not be doing what you want it to do, and exactly what to do in each of those situations to solve it.

(Video format: 36 min | eBook format: 14 pages)

Ready to boost your skills?

Get The Course

SQuarespace Coding Essentials

Masterclasses 1 to 5

Video format – 2.5h

eBook format - 69 pages

Lifetime access to the course and its updates

Bonus – Masterclass #0

(Optional add-on) – Access to The Hangout*

(*30 days of answers to your customization q’s can be included as an add-on at checkout, to help implement what you’re learning)


  • Immediately after you buy!

  • You'll have access forever, as long as the course is live!

    If the course is discontinued at some point, you'll get 30 days notice to download the content.

  • If you purchase The Hangout add-on option at checkout, you'll have 1 month access to a private group for members of The Club where you'll be able to ask any questions you may have regarding the content of the course and/or that specific customization where you're looking to apply the concepts!

  • If any issues arise while accessing the course or with the display of the content, you can reach out to get support!

  • In that case, reach out and ask away! I'd be happy to clarify.