Skill boosting Course

Adapting the S#!% out of code

A snappy collection of strategies on the subtle art of modifying the crap out of code to make it apply to the block, sections or page that you want, without developing an eye twitch from overlapping customizations or ID overload.

(Video format: TBS | eBook format: TBS)

Strategy #1

Applying the code to standalone pages

If you’re wanting to narrow down a customization to work only on one or a couple of pages on your project site, you can always use Page IDs.

But… that’s not the only way.

In this lesson, I’ll be showing you a sneaky trick you can use from now on to make your life (and your client’s!) easier, especially when needing to “reapply” a customization to new pages in the future.

Strategy #2

Applying the code to all pages on the site except on one (or two)

When this situation arises, it can be daunting to think you need to target eeeeevery single page on the site (even the ones that haven’t been created yet!) to be able to apply the customization how you need to.

Luckily, there’s another way.

I’ll be showing you my personal favorite trick to exclude certain pages from your code, so that the corresponding content/block inside it doesn’t get modified.

Strategy #3

Applying the code to the Main Collection page, but not the inner ones

Working with Blog, Event, Portfolio or Shop pages and wanting to implement a customization only on the “main” page but leave the inner posts/listings untouched?

Finding the process less straightforward than it should be?

Then, if there’s one lesson in this course that will work faster than Advil to relieve that coding headache, this is it.

Strategy #4

Applying code to only one or a few Summary Blocks

Still working with Block IDs to target specific summaries across your site?

Is that getting a little out of hand (i.e. annoying AF)?

What if I told you there’s a much much MUCH faster and easier way for you to target these elements across a whole site, without having to use them, AND without making the customization global?

In this lesson, I’ll show you exactly how to use this ridiculously time-saving trick.

Strategy #5

Applying code to only one or a few Auto Layouts

Are you a fan of 7.1’s Auto Layouts as much as I am?

If so, it’s likely you CONSTANTLY work with them for a wide range of applications, but it’s getting a biiiit tiring having to remember which friggin’ “space under title” value you used for which customization.

That is, if you already moved on from the regular data-section-id targeting.

Hey hey, I’m not judging! Those methods work extremely well.

However, I have an alternative approach that will blow your freakin’ mind and will make your customization implementation process overtime a thing of the past.

Ready to boost your skills?

Get The Course

The subtle art of

Adapting the S#!% out of code

Strategies 1 to 5

Video format – TBS

eBook format - TBS

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(Optional add-on) – Access to The Hangout*

(*30 days of answers to your customization q’s can be included as an add-on at checkout, to help implement what you’re learning)


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    If the course is discontinued at some point, you'll get 30 days notice to download the content.

  • If you purchase The Hangout add-on option at checkout, you'll have 1 month access to a private group for members of The Club where you'll be able to ask any questions you may have regarding the content of the course and/or that specific customization where you're looking to apply the concepts!

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  • In that case, reach out and ask away! I'd be happy to clarify.