Adding a description (7.1) - Portfolio Page Grid Overlay


Get your hands on this code snippet to add a little description under the title of your Portfolio Page items, when set to the Grid: Overlay layout!

Include any text you like, and modify, add or remove CSS properties from the code to style the color, font size, font family and any other font styles you want.

  • This particular snippet is compatible with:

    • Portfolio Page set to Grid: Overlay layout

    • Squarespace 7.1

Beatriz Caraballo

Hey! I’m B, a customization expert.

I code the heck out of Squarespace and teach other designers how to do it too, one wtf at a time.

Skewed newsletter block (7.0, 7.1 CE & 7.1 FE) - Newsletter Block


Adding a button (7.1) - Portfolio Page Grid Overlay