Positioning thumbnails over slides (7.0, 7.1 CE & 7.1 FE) - Gallery Block Slideshow


If you like the style of Squarespace’s Gallery Slideshow but want to make it look less template-y, this snippet can help you out!

It’ll allow you to move the native thumbnails over the slides, instead of keeping them underneath, and add either a solid or slightly transparent background to the area to change up the look of the block in a heartbeat.

  • This particular snippet is compatible with:

    • Gallery Block Slideshow layout

    • Squarespace 7.0

    • Squarespace 7.1

Beatriz Caraballo

Hey! I’m B, a customization expert.

I code the heck out of Squarespace and teach other designers how to do it too, one wtf at a time.


Styling the arrows (bottom corner) (7.0, 7.1 CE & 7.1 FE) - Gallery Block Slideshow


Turning the thumbnails into indicators (7.0, 7.1 CE & 7.1 FE) - Gallery Block Slideshow